Making compulsory training more engaging and impactful

Making compulsory training more engaging and impactful

In recent years, Hillgrange has designed digital learning solutions for topics such as regulatory compliance, staff induction and workplace conduct. Typically, compulsory training for these is either too general or too tedious for learners to follow, and this monotony breeds disengagement. And with more people working and learning remotely, it's very easy for learners to switch off and for the learning not to 'stick'.

The challenge for solution designers is to provide learners with a meaningful learning experience. Finding meaning in new information helps them not only connect with it more easily, but also understand its relevance in an uncomplicated way. To create a meaningful learning experience, we look to tap into people's personal experiences and recreate the emotions that made them memorable. We do this using a number of different approaches.

Branching simulations
Branching simulations are a great strategy for teaching learners the consequences of their actions and decisions.

Game-based learning
Challenges and rewards can elevate otherwise dry subject matter and introduce an element of competition and fun to learning.

Immersing learners in real-life situations helps them see how issues are relevant to them and fosters long-term behaviour change.

Stories appeal to learners at a higher emotional level than traditional learning does, and enhance information retention.

Well-created video content addresses the multi-faceted aspects of a topic, creates a compelling watch and enhances understanding.

Approaches such as these stimulate interest, produce emotional connections, and increase learner engagement, which is critical to behaviour change and performance improvement. To see what they look like visually, give us a call or send us a message via the contact form.